80°C filament dryer for PA6-CF and PAHT-CF

Its probably best to NEVER use 0 mm on the X/Y distance. You are effectively printing support directly on the model and changing the geometry. Its ok if you are using the support material as the entire support and not just the interface layer, but that’s about it.

OK, what number should you use then?

Mine is set to 0.50 mm as a default and I haven’t had a single print that needed it adjusted.

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My defaults are at 0.35mm. To stop wobble on very thin, tall items I’ve painted organic supports on vertical surfaces with x/y at 0.15mm.

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When I use support material, I set Z distance to 0. Being able to do that is the main point of support material in my opinion. I havn’t done that much yet. But a test print in PLA with PETG as support interface turned out great with 0 Z distance.

I think turning of the prime tower could be the problem. You probably still have some residue of the other material after purging and you need the prime tower to get rid of that. If you print with the mixed materials, it might bond in a strange way.

my default value was 0.35 but I also adjusted it to 0.5mm which works much much better. Are you using bb studio or another slicer, weird that it comes w different preset values if you do

using Bambu studio latest version

I didn’t think of that. Maybe try again and use ABS for support material.

I modified it to be my default.

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