You may need a brim on that, its lifting on the corner partly because of the chamfer and also bed adhesion (no so much).
That’s what I thought but how come it only happens on the corner with the seam. Thought if it was that it would be all corners.
Would you recommend a brim or to use a glue stick on the textured plate?
I think of it like a sticker, you can peel it easier at a corner. Brim would be my preference as gluestick isn’t recommended (I’ve used liquid glue in the past). Keep it simple with a brim, making sure the plate is clean (give it a scour in a sink of dawn and hot water for insurance)
Yeah I just cleaned the plate. I have the Bambu glue stick as I had to get over the free shipping threshold and yeah I’m thinking of it like a sticker just confused me that it’s only the seam corner and not the other 3.
Is it because it’s the first part of extrusion/first part of the first layer and might not be as good as the rest of the corners for that reason? if the first part failed, all layers after it fail?
As its lifted it’ll interfere with the rest as the base is not flat and it’ll deform and sometimes get worse if it catches the nozzle.
Ah that makes sense. This one could be due to the fact my bed isn’t able to be correctly levelled due to the warp. New bed comes in a few days so that’ll be good
Hate that it only lifts at the corner though it’s probably cause it’s where it starts haha
Warp should be taken care of with the bed level mesh, if you’re having an issue you can move/rotate the model sometimes to counter (if there is a huge defect in the plate for example). I find on my mini that it lifts on the outer edges due to temperature variation so try to keep it in the middle as much as possible
Perfect I appreciate all this advice. For now I’ll probably just use the brims
As you mentioned it’s probably an adhesion issue in that location cause it’s the start location so it has the least amount for adhesion compared to the rest. Cause also be height etc. I know it happens anywhere on the plate tried that as well and different places. Just always at the seam no matter where.
I’ve also been told it could be retraction settings as well
Okay I’ve done further tests regarding this, and what not. New heat bed has been installed and my first layer is now perfect.
The issue I have is just z-seams that start on overhangs. It seems they are bulgy as above, and I have tried this on different models. I’m not sure what settings to change to resolve this. All other overhangs are perfectly fine.
It seems to just be the Z-Seam location (Layer start)
Unfortunately, some of my models are required to start on an overhang.
What I’ve tried.
- Changing Retraction Settings
- Changing Layer Height
- Changing Speed
- Increasing Fan Speed to 100
- Calibrating Flow Rate
I’m trying a temperature adjust now to see if a lower temp helps. Will also be trying a thicker line width for outer walls
It is only the Z-Seam that is the issue, all other parts are perfectly fine.
It’s due to inefficient cooling at this area of the print fan blowing to the object.
We definitely need a better fan duct for the A1.
Just slow down a bit or rotate object to a random angle.
Thank you heaps Will do.
I had one last question if someone can answer:
Does this mean my maximum retraction speed is 30ms as well as that’s the limit of the extruder? So the below does nothing?