ABS Printing problems

Straight out of the factory sealed package with the desiccant pack.

All my PETG basic and HF lose ~4 grams.

All my ABS has lost between 5-6 grams.

I’ve weighed everything upon opening, typically dry a little lower temps than my searches net, at 12 hours I weigh again, note the change (they lose the majority in 12 hours in my experience), they all lose 1-2 grams more between 12-24 hours. Beyond 24(I’ve gone to 36) I’ve not noticed any change. Not saying they didn’t lose a little more, but my scale seems to register.5 grams with anything over ~400 grams weight. Lower weights will register .1 gram changes


Can you share your profile? I’d like to give it a try. Cube on a plate saved as a project with your settings. Avoids anything getting lost by my poor typing. :slight_smile:
I think there probably needs to be profiles dedicated to dimensional integrity, surface finish, and structural integrity for the ABS group of filaments. ABS/ASA etc. Structural and dimensional integrity for ABS are definitely different settings.

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Cube and Bowl MINI Test.3mf (1.1 MB)
Cube and Bowl X1 Test.3mf (1.1 MB)

The “MINI” was just for fun on my little workhorse, that turned out surprisingly good but my printroom now is toxic.

A1Mini (Bambu ABS White, nozzle 255c, bed temp 80c, room ambient 18c)

X1C (Generic ABS Yellow, nozzle 270c, bed temp 100c, chamber from 27-48c)

Bigger prints like the earlier ones are done in the same format, I don’t overthink and feel its a sweet spot so I’m not changing anything. My thinking is there typically is a lot of variables and what one person does may not always replicate well due to one tiny difference, this is a baseline that I feel works.

Both models turned out good.

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Thanks. I’ll give it a try shortly. I’m on a P1S. X1 wasn’t in my budget… :slight_smile:

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heyy everyone, so sorry ive been sick so I started my print last night with your recommendations!

i slowed it right down (almost all down to 100)
removed the spacers so no airflow
preheated the bed at 100 for 30 minutes
dropped the cooling/fans on the filament

and I’m now 14 hours into a 17 hour print!!!

thank you all so much

I plan on upping the speed by 20 for the same design and finding the sweet spot so as soon as I do ill share those numbers just incase anyone is curious for the ink station filament

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Units, please! This is an international forum with different base units and non introduced people can take a temp value incorrectly.

I’d like to see the dryer that does 150° Celsius!

For those that are unaware, I was talking about fahrenheit…

Just a suggestion from using eSun ABS. They have a complete ABS printing profile that worked flawlessly. I needed some ABS in a hurry and bought some Inland from Microcenter, which is cheap. ($17 for the regular, not high speed version).

My printer is a P1S with a hardened steel nozzle and the standard textured PEI plate.

Started with the Bambu ABS settings and could not get the print to stick, even after several changes. So I took the default eSun settings and lowered the Max Volumetric speed to 12, since it’s a cheap ,lower speed ABS. First test print came out flawless.

Printed a 3" by 6" piece that needed supports . Uses a 5 mm brim, and again a flawless print.

So you might want to give the eSun ABS settings a try as a starting point. They have the complete profiles on their website.

BTW you can prewarm the bed to 100 C for a few minutes before sending the print. Helps stabilize the temps inside the chamber.

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Hahaha, me too!
But there are aventurous people that uses repurposed toast and kitchen ovens, and you never know…

I have to say I’ve never found a problem with Bambu’s ABS profile or filament. I’ve printed quite a bit.

I bought some Inland while visiting family. Was not impressed. Every thing just wasn’t…right. I only printed a spool then stuck it aside. I’ll use it up someday.

Us Americans need to use Celsius in the community IMO. If for no other reason than that we look like weirdos with our ‘Fahrenheit’ lol. Unless there are some other Americans, or Liberians (the only other country to use American Imperial Units), it probably comes off as …well imagine if like, North Koreans were on here and always used “Kim’s” or whatever they use…actually I bet they use S.I. lol