AMS with red blinking light

Hi !

All of sudden my AMSs are blinking red.

I’ve removed the cable on the back of the X1C and plug it again, they turned white, but after a few minutes blinking red again.

I’ve checked the cables and connections, can’t solve the issue.

Does anyone already faced such issue ?

Any clue ?

This may help decide the LED status.

Thanks, but I was already aware that’s a communication error.

And this page sadly doesn’t give any guidance or advise, just listing the led status.

One of the female connectors on one of my AMSs went bad. I bought a new one at their store. Fixed my blinking red problem.

Or the main board went bad. They have a wiki for checking voltage.

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I’ll test the voltage at the printer connector, and connect only one AMS and also use the simple buffer.

Hope that way I’ll be able to identify where the problem is.


It seems that’s the multi hub who’s malfunctioning.

I’ve replaced it and until now there is no more issues anymore.

Measuring values didn’t show any defect :

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