Another contest - another fake

I don’t want to spent much words on this. just have a look and ask yourself → HOW???

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Wasn’t sure what you meant, but I get it now. A 3.5 hour print, released 55 minutes ago somehow has 2 boosts.

I think lots of people boost models that they haven’t printed, I wouldn’t worry about it too much.


I suspect theres other things in play here, multiple profiles? Bit of “gaming” the boosts?


usually you can’t boost your own models. so this user is using another account to rate / boost himself. I heard / read that other users where banned by this! I don’t worry about the contest. I worry about that there is still enough room to fake things


The above is following each other, same model/txt so yeah I’d agree. I wonder if MW can track where the Boost originated from? Be real telling that info.

I have a number of models that I have posted that picked up boosts before they got any downloads. I wasn’t scamming and neither were the people who boosted. They just liked the models.

It really can happen and is not unlike people liking models they haven’t printed. I do that all the time. With boosts timing out, some may have ones they need to use or lose and the bar gets lowered as they look for worthy models to boost, maybe.

Anyway, it can happen, does happen, and will happen until people are required to have printed a model before they can boost it.


That looks like outright model theft that should be reported, though. Even used the photos.

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You know that they can. The question is- will they.
If you suspect foul play, report it.
The problem is that if someone wants to put the effort into cheating, it is difficult to cover every potential way they might do so.

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I’ve had the same one of mine got 3 boost before it was even downloaded. I also boost models I like with boost that are running out if I have already boosted the ones I’ve printed, why waste them I’ve got 6 about to expire time to go for a boost hunt :joy:

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I have boosted models without downloading them simply to support a fellow creator, especially when my tokens were about to expire.

I’ve also received boosts a few times before any downloads or prints occurred. So, I don’t think the screenshot provides much insight unless there’s a recurring pattern for that specific user.


yep - I know and you are all kind of right. I also boost models without having them printed. …but this one is obviously… it seems like bambu has already implemented some mechanisms to prevent fakes. …but the fake account problem still seems to be an open issue…


You can only boost another designer 5 times per year and one model 2 times. So unless he has a lot of dummy accounts it won’t earn a lot of points.


It’s interesting that the followers/following are both heiko on that account. If I had to take a guess heiko created a 2nd account to enter the contest with their connect 4 game since it would ineligible on their main account for being posted back in June.

As for the Gameboy looking upload it’s background is the same surface as many as heiko’s uploads as well.

I wonder if MW can see who boosted.

**edit… and I see you pretty much covered all of this in a follow up post. :sweat_smile:


The saga continues. Both models now are new uploads on the original page, they deleted the old one to reupload for the comp. @Makerworld?


Honestly, I don’t understand the point of this post.

My experience: Yesterday, I posted a model for the car contest. Many people boosted it for the ideas and the concept, that said in the comments, what’s the problem. Boost is for model Rate is for profile.

Also, I don’t think that the Judge should consider downloading or boosting ad value for the contest result.

I ask to understand not to provocate.


That Delorean is pretty cool, too. Nice job! Simple but looks really good.

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Thanks, but simple it’s the first word that I have in mind when I rethink the over 100 hours of cad :joy:


This is just the first for the coming month. As soon as the contest ends the people who don’t win will be picking apart the ones that did and complaining about how unfair it is.

Happens on every contest completion.


The boosts are gone on that 2nd account as well. My guess is MW did step in and do something. Now that they are on the main account I doubt MW will do anything more.

The funny part is in taking down the Connect 4 model to re-enter the contest but because it’s a remix that makes it ineligible to re-enter. :rofl:


Oh I know how that goes - making something simple and look good doing it is the hardest thing there is. It’s painfully easy to over-engineer but getting to the essence takes time and effort.