Automatic slicing for A1 mini from Other profiles fails if AMS used

I have noticed a pattern of failure to automatically support the A1 mini if the model uses an AMS.

Everyone check your profiles between the 20th of August and the 25th of August at 9 PM CST to see if you are affected.

The feature was released on July 25th 2024 as follows.

  1. Enhanced Print Profile Compatibility
    MakerWorld now intelligently detects the required build volume for each print profile and generates a list of compatible printers.
    For instance, an X1C print profile for a small/medium-sized object will be compatible with A1 mini, enabling printing via Bambu Handy.
    This feature is currently available for newly uploaded models, with plans for expansion to existing ones.

It is broken.

I have uploaded several models recently and only just noticed the new feature that automatically adds support for the A1 mini if the dimensions of the model allow it to fit does NOT OCCUR if the model uses the AMS.


I uploaded one model with 7 profiles.

  1. Edges AMS
  2. Triple AMS
  3. Double AMS
  4. Single
  5. Edges PAUSE
  6. Triple PAUSE
  7. Double PAUSE

I have just seen that:

  • 1, 2 & 3 support P1S, P1P, X1, X1 Carbon, X1E, A1.
  • 4, 5 & 6 & 7 support P1S, P1P, X1, X1 Carbon, X1E, A1, A1 Mini.

1, 2 & 3 use the AMS. 4, 5, 6 & 7 do not.

I have this now on all models that should have benefited from this feature. I didn’t notice it because support was on the 4, 5, 6 & 7 of each profile per model.

I now have to manually fix this for 12 profiles on models uploaded between the 20th of August and the 25th of August.

Models uploaded after 21:00 CST on the 25th of August appear to work again.

Before anyone asks, I have reviewed all the profiles I sliced and all have identical printer configurations.

  • The model size isn’t the problem, the problem affects 3x4cm models and 10cm diameter models.
  • Three models were initially created in one file, one per plate, before being saved three times with different file names, and the plate count was reduced to one model each.
  • Two of those models use the AMS, one doesn’t, and the one that does not require it has the A1 mini as a compatible printer.

The Deadpool profile was created as A1 mini to start with.

Things that do not fix it.

  1. Just uploading the original profile.
  2. Opening the file, slicing, reviewing layers, saving and then uploading into the existing profile.

The only thing that fixes it.

  1. Change the printer to A1 Mini, save the profile and reupload into the profile.


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I reproduced the issue and we will check it. thanks for reporting the bug!

You are welcome, please let me know once it is resolved.