Problem: New Nozzles Sizes Not available in FW
Firmware Version: (20231222)
Printer: Bambu Lab X1-Crabon
Steps to reproduce:
- Navigate to the Maintanace section on printer
- Try to change the nozzle size to a custom nozzle there are now options that are needed with the new partnership.
- Notice that there is no option for custom or Revo this is now an issue since Revo nozzles have new sizes that are not Bambu Standards.
This is a blocker since it does state the sliced file does not match the nozzle.
Nozzle sizes needed for revo are
0.15, 0,25, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.20, 1.40
No logs needed for this issue.
I can now fully validate that this is an issue my devices just showed up for my two bambu X1 Carbons and they do not have the ability to print with the smaller or larger nozzles.