Bambu PLA Plate Satin Finish Test

I tried eSun PLA+ and GST3D PLA+ and Bambu PLA filament

First I started with the standard Generic PLA Profile. and 35C
After that failed, I gradually increased the temperature by 5 degrees, to 60C.

Between tests, I’ve used the same filament with other build plates (Cool Plate, Texture Plate, PEX, etc.)
So the filament settings are fine.

I have to say I have the latest beta firmware on my printer but I don’t think it matters that much as all other plates have really good print plate adhesion.

… and of course I test both sides, my first idea was, maybe one side is not working or defect …

I am using Sunlu pla plus and sunlu tpu. Using the standard cold bed settings. Probably you have a bad plate or adhesion went bad quickly. ps: You tried both sides?

How do I purchase or enter the beta for the Satin PEI sheet?

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What happened to this plate?
Never seen it after this post. :wink:

I think it was a one shot; since my first post I never used it, still int’s box, I much preffer the aftermarket plates

I got it as a replacement for the Cool Plate. And I am very confused.

  1. Shall I use glue stick?
  2. What surface temperature should I use?
  3. How to use it in Bambu Studio?
  4. Why is Bambu sending me this plate, if there where warranty problems with my cool plate?
  5. Is it also a sticker and can be replaced?

Questions over questions. And in the bambu wiki I cannot find the answers…

LOL… open a support request ticket with BL’s customer support services…and address them your questions… perhaps, you’re lucky and will get the answers you’re looking for.

I did. They referred to the wiki article of the cool plate. Not very usefull…

Which was my point exactly

So it is the same plate, but just with another name?
Why is the “gluestick could help” logo not printed?

Definitely it’s not the same plate. I know because i had the foresight to purchase 4 additional sets of build plates right after the delivery of my X1C, and a few months later BL has stopped producing/delivering cold plates, replacing them with (what BL calls) “satin plates”. Ordered one for testing and learned (the hard way) that’s not the same thing with the cold plate… You may try using it as a cold plate (keeping the cold plate settings in your Bambu Studio), and see the print results.

That makes sense, if it is a newer plate than the cool plate. Also I can’t find the cool plate any more in their store. Also not the replacement sheets.

Do you reccomend a glue stick?

I’d try first without, a test on one half, and with glue on the other half. Same print on both sides, and then you can determine which method works for you.

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