BambuLab A1 Pointless wiping movements

Hello everyone,
between the 3rd and 5th layer, and every now and then, my A1 makes what I consider a pointless movement to the right rear corner, pushes out some filament and then carries on printing. Unfortunately, this is very counterproductive when printing with LW-Pla. Can this movement be “turned off”?

Yes it can, check here:

Check in Bambu Studio that Smooth Timelapse is not on.


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Hi, thanks for the answers. Here are some pictures of my problem.

Screenshot 2024-10-01 142206


The material is a LW-PLA from 3DlabPrint

PolyLight 1.0 - CUB Yellow - LW PLA – 3DLabPrint

Can you post a pic of what the finished model looks like…??
If it’s not a timelapse issue, it might need supports in that area.

EDIT: if it’s moving to the right like you posted & it’s not timelapse, it can’t be a purge tower problem because you would have a lot more filament on the bed.

Bed plate detection, if you watch it when it does this it runs along the side to make sure the plate hasn’t moved out of place.
You can disable it in Print Options and disable Detect Build Plate placement.

The extrusion part is the Nozzle Clump detection running along side the Bed Plate detection.

Leider ist beides nicht zutreffend.
Wie bereits geschrieben fährt der Druckkopf nach mehreren Schichten nach rechts-hinten, daber tritt LW-PLA aus, das dann im nächsten Layer fehlt.

Unfortunately, neither is true.
As already written, the print head moves to the right-back after several layers, which causes LW-PLA to leak out and then be missing in the next layer.

Im Spiralvasenmodus (einwandig) sieh man Löcher, die im normalen einwandigen Modus nicht da sind.

In spiral vase mode (single wall) you can see holes that are not there in normal single wall mode.