Best settings for Sunlu PETG

I have some evidence that Sunlu and Anycubic are selling the same filament: both the spools and the anonymous printed labels attached to the spools look the same. Anycubic is usually less expensive though. So, if you like Sunlu filament, but want it for less money, you may want to look into it. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if each of them buy completed filament spools from the same supplier and simply put it in a box with their own brand name on it.

Hey I have a bambulab a1 mini
I bought a spool of sunlu PETG
Do you have the right settings for it?
Maybe as a configuration file ?

Thanks for your help

What is it that you prefer to 3DLAC?

I use Elmer’s Purple, there is no way I would pay $40 for that…JMO

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Spot on Olias. Aquanet is my go-to on every plate, every print, and every filament (PETG, ABS, ASA, NYLON, TPU, and PC) that I run on my Bambu X1C and Prusa printers. Just a light mist and it just works for adhesion and removal. And I’m now using my Engineering Plate for all filaments because of the smoother surface over the gold PEI plate I have.

Washed the Engineering Plate with a 3M scrubby pad and Dawn dish soap and then lightly sprayed the palate with Aquanet and spray again before every new print, (washing the plate again after 30+ plus prints or as needed.) It’s been 2 years and hundreds of prints and not a single issue. Love my Aquanet so much I bought a case of it.

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I print a lot with Sunlu PETG on my P1P (with printed enclosure and lid). I really like their PETG and use it for most of my prints.
I’m using 245C for first layer and 235C for the others. On the textured PEI plate I use 70C. If the print is going to run for more than a couple hours, I usually open one side panel or the chamber gets too hot.


These are my Sunlu PETG settings that work on the A1 with the 0.4 Nozzle quite well. I haven’t done any stress tests; the settings are focused on aesthetics.

  • Temperature: 230°C
  • Volumetric Flow: 17.6
  • Extrusion Multiplier: 0.928
  • Pressure Advance: 0.042
  • Maximum and consistent print speed: around 220mm/s

Speed: Minimum: 60mm/s; below 60mm/s, the filament gets too hot?, causing the layers to fuse too strongly, resulting in a very glossy and inconsistent surface. This is particularly noticeable with small models
The optimal print speed for the best layer quality is around 155mm/s.
Cooling: 80% fan speed for supports, and up to 100% for the part cooling fan.

Stringing: is present. Retraction settings (copied from the Bambu PETG preset) are at the default values.

This is my initial calibration. However, I’m still struggling with over-extrusion starting at around 170mm/s, which gradually intensifies up to 220mm/s.

How could I get this under control?

You can get Elmers Glue stick on, its what I use when necessary but not been needed on the textured plat I use for Sunlu PETG (mostly Black or White)
On the bare textured plate, no glue, I always let the plate cool down and prints just pop off with the smallest bit of flexing in both directions. When hot its a different story.

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I’m new in the 3D-printing world with Bambu A1. My head is exploding from the plenty of parameters.
Yes, the question is not about concrete settings, but about the test/calibration sequence, to determine the optimal settings.
These steps, you described, are enough for new filament?

Thank you!