BUILD PLATE coming off bed mid print (warping) (yes, the BUILD PLATE)

This has occurred on all three - A1, P1P, and X1C using gold textured plate

The only solution I am thinking to implement is clamps on the corners of the build plate.

Backstory - I print objects that sometimes take up the full 256x256 bed. As the print continues slowly the BUILD PLATE lifts from the magnetic surface.

And since the build plate warps the part is warped too once removed from the plate. Tried searching the interweb and couldnt find any results of anyone with a similar occurrence.

Thank you in advance fellow community.


Thank you!! Sometimes it is always just about the keywords. “plate lifting” seems to be it, i could not come up with those words hence my title “build plate coming off bed”

I had similar problems when printing ABS/ASA and using all of the build plate, I now use these (printed in PAHT-CF) to good effect:

I also use nano polymer adhesive to make sure the model does not lift off the plate.

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You are a lifesaver. I did a search on makerworld for clamps and didnt see anything that could work , was going to waste my time at the store. This is EXACTLY what I need to solve this problem. Now i just need to find that small roll of CF that came with the printer… will be the first time I print in CF!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! We need tipping abilities on here

My pleasure to help someone. I did a lot of struggling when I first started with ABS and large prints. Here is a reddit post of mine:

What I do for successful large ABS/ASA prints:

  1. 110 bed temp
  2. set it to 110 and let it warm up for 15 min before printing to heat up the chamber
  3. Set the chamber fan to 0 to prevent cold air from being sucked it
  4. use SMOOTH PEI sheet. I find ABS sticks better to smooth then textured PEI. Textured PEI was made for better releasing not for better adhesion. Alternatively use the engineering plate and NANO plate adhesive, its not a chemical adhesive and works very well, just like NANO tape.
  5. use bed clamps as large ABS prints can warp and lift.
  6. place the prints as far back on the print plate as possible as thats the place with most stable temperature
  7. Use scotch tape to seal up the front of the printer along the door seams as well as the poop chute (I actually have bambu drawers that seal the poop chute with a down pipe as well as magnetic covers for the belts tensioners) to prevent cold air from entering the chamber
  8. whatever you do DO NOT OPEN the front door during printing. After its done, let it sit and cool naturally for 20 min or longer so it does not get a shock from the cold air.

I had my first experience with this today with a fairly large ABS print. Thank you all for the pointers.

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