Can't freely move models with mouse on build plate in Linux version

Hi all. I was unable to get any of the Appimages running on my Ubuntu system (I’m a new A1 user), but ultimately found a flatpak of the latest build that runs almost fine. ALMOST …

At first I thought I was missing something, so went back to the Win version to verify. I even deleted all the user config info for the Linux flatpak to make sure I hadn’t messed up a setting.

I CANNOT drag models around on the build plate with a simple click/drag like I can on the Windows version. The model selects but never moves. It can be moved laboriously in the xyz mode one step at a time, but the free moving of the model just isn’t working with the mouse.

Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated. It’s quite a pain. Other than that Studio on Linux has been fine, once I realized that I needed to be in LAN mode to prevent the app from crashing on every Linux system I tried if the video stream was started or even before.