Can't unload fil after print finishes but after turning on/off it can?

Hi everyone, something strange is happening I am not sure whether the issue is with the extruder itself (after I have disassembled it, cleaned it from stuck filament, cleaned the gears and assembled it), my AMS or something else entirely.

After a print finishes I get the filament stuck error and the filament couldn’t be unloaded. After turning the printer on/off and unload the stuck filament by using the app it unloads just fine. Also I tried turning it off and pulling the tube out from the extruder there is nothing.

This happens regardless of the nozzle whether it’s 0.4 or 0.2
Does anyone know why is this happening?

Check to make sure you filament cutter is operating correctly by manually activating it and pulling the filament back. If this is operational check that your filament sensor is operating correctly. The sensor can stick.


Yeah you are right, the cutter was a little bit off and didn’t cut the filament properly. I’ve reposition it and now it works

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