Community Guidelines

I noticed something today, so I checked again and nothing has changed in the rules.

So far I have tried to avoid external links, only in an “emergency” to publish a video about the design. Also, I have never used the Bambulab logo and never put Bambulab’s lettering on my designs. I think to change my practice.

  • Spam & deceptive practices * External links

External links are external links, it is not written which ones are allowed. However, business links are increasingly being inserted, e.g. to generate revenue. If this is allowed or there is no feedback from Bambulabs, I will also add such links to my projects. This means: no more links to accessories that don’t earn me anything.

I intend to add the words “BambuLab” and the logo to projects that are even remotely related to Bambulabs printers.

I am looking forward to your answers!