Contest Game '90

I would like to understand better. In the description of participation in the contest, it talks about 90s games. Are you talking about games or video games?
Leaving aside the incredible amount of “models” that have nothing to do with 90s games or video games.

Makerworld, wouldn’t it be worth doing a bit of cleaning?

A clarification on participation in the contest would be appreciated

It’s not just the contests, all though they are always full of irrelevant stuff it’s got to the point that the whole of makers world needs a clean. It’s getting hard to find any decent functional models with so much rubbish and low quality stuff to wade through. Starting to wonder if I should just go back to printables and forget about makersworld.

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well … i will save you from loosing time to go to printables, here is a small screen shot from “back to school” contest on printables. Full of “quality” and “on subject” models. :rofl: