Contest winner Stole the model

Copyright protection on the internet is challenging. To those fighting that fight, I wish you the best of luck.

I avoid using the ‘standard digital file license’ because of its restrictive nature. I believe this license isn’t beneficial for our community. My personal belief is in fostering collaborative open-source growth, where designs are continuously improved upon by the collective creativity of people worldwide.

For those advocating restrictive copyright, perhaps Makerworld could allocate any points earned by a stolen design to the original copyright holder. This way, even if someone can’t protect their copyright everywhere, they can still reclaim some rewards on certain platforms, making the effort more worthwhile.

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I’ll let you guys in on the only sure fire way to not get your designs stolen. Make crappy designs. I challenge anyone to win a contest with a design they stole from me! You can’t do it. I’m not talking about the re-mixes. I mean the original ones that I made in Fisher Price My First Cad.


Are you kidding?!?!
I see excellent candidates and potential winners here.
Wedding decor contest:

Fishing contest:

Beauty of Mathematics

Games of the 80s.

As on-topic as some of the other winners.


Hey now, don’t under estimate yourself. You too can have one of your models stolen. Just yesterday I hit that milestone when I found one of my craptastic designs reuploaded by some shyster. I finally made it!!! :partying_face: and you can too!


Yours is much nicer. But yes, plagiarized.

Thanks, I was looking for an antecedent to see if his argument held water. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn’t, but it’s clear his is not 100% original either.


Isn’t the problem here a different one?
Some users/creators are offended when people are too lazy to do their own thing and spend 5 minutes make ‘meaningful’ changes to a model the creator wasted days or weeks on…
Other people don’t care, not even if those rotten eggs make a financial profit from stealing, they just upload another model and move on.

While we argue here we should consider that WE are the ones making it happen!
WE are the ones providing the millions to the hosters…
So why again are we silent and keep accepting the abuse, lack of support and unwillingness to give creators proper ways to protect their work?
No, I don’t mean more or different licenses…
I simply mean that if in doubt the ORIGINAL creator should have the rights, not someone who made meaningless changes or additions to an existing model.
And no again for hunting down the copycat and taking down the offending models - the hoster will never agree to this.
What I mean is that IF the original model comes with a license that WON’T allow changes or modifications OTHER THAN FOR PURE PERSONAL USE anyone trying to upload and post such an offending copy should be given the chance to take it down BEFORE the hoster does so forcefully and also adds a corresponding count for the offence to the profile.
In case the original license DOES allow for more modifications or changes than personal the one using the model or parts of if shall be REQUIRED to leave proper credits and a link to the original.
If in doubt the original creator should ALWAYS be asked for consent…

I know sounds totally crazy and insane - but it worked and still works “in the scene” - and that VERY well and with very few complaints on the handling…
WE are abuse thanks to loopholes that should have been closed over 20 years ago.
Our work is covered by licenses for DIGITAL work only.
In lame words we are stuck in the 80’s and treat 3D models as program code.
Without enforceable licenses to protect the design we are lost.
And we won’t get that because for THIS we already working protections - which we can’t afford to pay for…
But IF hosters would get active to protect ACTUAL creators and their work from those using blunt copies we would be a huge step forward to making those offenders find a different hobby.
But what do they do? They promote and finance them with prices and loyalty points ROFL


How is the original creator determined, and who decides this?


Makerworld does have a reputation for turning a blind eye to plagiarism and blatant design ripoffs unfortunately.

I rarely if ever download from Makerworld now, and won’t upload my new models at all.


Just curious. Is this the same as your design? You may bigger problems with people ripping your design than the contest winner. Gear Ball-3D Printed Gear Ball Spin Ball,Gearsphere,Fidget Toy,Gear Ball Fidget Toy,Gearsphere Desk Toy, Fidget Ball-GearToy Ideal for Stress,Train The Brain&Anxiety Relaxing (Blue&Green) : Toys & GamesGear Ball-3D Printed Gear Ball Spin Ball

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Wasn’t there a time when you could see when an item was listed?

I’m sure it is a rip, but there’s an awful lot of them. I am aware of chinese print farms (note all seem to be from Chinese named vendors, no racist connotation meant) but jeez, seems a lot of effort. No offense, but I don’t see that model as a hot item to be being sold by so many vendors.
What people will pay for…

I agree, by using the idea in the community there might be progress and new ideas out of it. At least I would expect that the origin designed is mentioned. It also depends on what license you shared that modell.
Not to blame anyone but Emmets is not even mentioned as inspiration for Ruvens design in the Thangs page.
As much as I disagree with steeling designs, not mentioning original creators which spend our and hours (and money) on their ideas coming reality plus taking such a modell into a contest which is pretty cheeky - I have the slight feeling that here it is about money (from the Thangs page) and hurt feelings.

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The earliest iteration is in fact from 13 years ago … it could be argued that the OP reimagined that design.


i would be curious to see screenshots of both model on the build plate on top of each others to see how the gears match… if its an actual copy of it.

The idea of taking a persons design, making a copy and releasing it and saying it’s there idea is not new. Just look at Etsy! There are thousands of the same product and everyone is saying it was their idea. I have 2 Co2 lasers and buy files to print directly from the original designer and just try to ignore the ones who made the copy. It’s too bad, but it happens all the time.
I am just starting to get into 3d printing, and have much to learn. I just hope designers just keep making great designs.

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I’m very interested in HOW EXACTLY you checked this and how you can make sure it’s not a remix? What methodology was used for this?

I mean, we’ve all more or less been in the situation where we thought someone else had copied one of our own models, changed it slightly and published it as their own.

And it seems that you have found an absolutely reliable method and approach to prove or disprove a forgery.

So how exactly did you do that?


Copyright is dumb and needs to die. Stop bickering about stolen ideas, design, concepts… If you put it on the internet, it’s gonna be inspiring, shared, copied. There is no loss of value here, just adding value for the whole world. Go design something else or stop designing if it annoys you. But that’s just the way it is.


Woah there cowboy! Don’t go bringing sense into this. Think of the children.


Don’t you tell me what to do with my pocket change!


It’s the classic “i found this” reddit meme.