This is a design that I have printed dozens of times before with these same filaments. It used to print fine every time. I just started getting issues with adhesion in this particular corner.
The final print has many ‘posts’ that stick up from the surface and I’ve been playing a bit with the nozzle temp setting to try to reduce a bunch of stringing (spider-webby stuff) that I was getting between them. Could that be causing this?
Jayo PLA
3rd party textured PEI plate
BambuStudio slicer
0.20mm layer height - standard
Good call, thanks. I have had issues with the aux fan in the past and have turned it down to 10% for most filaments. I’ll scrub the plate and see it that helps.
So I think it must have been an issue with the textured plate. I had been using that same plate for months and I think it just got old. I tried scrubbing it and the next print was a little better, but not great. I just replaced it with another 3rd party one that I had as back-up and my prints are sticking again. Thanks again @PrinterMcgee