Disconnecting the PTFE tube

I think I used wire cutters to cut the tubing. But you would like to end up with a clean end to re-insert in the coupler.

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Wow! I had no idea this is such a common issue. I too had the same problem, but thanks to all you guys, it’s solved. Thank you, thank you!

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me acaba de suceder se atasco justo donde termina el tubo ptfe, para solucionarlo calente una pieza metalica de menor diametro y con cuidado lo empuje desde donde tenia acceso y afortunadamente salio

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I’ve had a feed issue inside of the extruder itself. Nowhere in the PTFE tube chain could I get one to release. This was due to the filament being locked up as someone else pointed out. I ended up removing the hotend, then the extruder from the gantry. Unscrewed the little sensor connected to the clear bit of plastic on the extruder. Then I unscrewed the little bit of clear plastic from the extruder. This gave me access to just enough filament to be able to snip it. From there I was able to resolve the issue.

PSA!!! The AMS does not like the older PolyAlchemy Elixer Silk PLA, the feed gears just chew up the filament. So do not attempt a multi-color print with the stuff. You can do a single color print well enough as it doesn’t constantly feed it in and out. Though this probably doesn’t matter that much as it is discontinued filament.

The printable tool made it so easy - thank you