Drying PLA filament question

To answer your question. Don’t overthink this problem. Learn how to measure humidity and get some desiccant. Silica gel is all you need and above all, don’t get caught up in all the hype in this and other forums. It’s a simple equation. You have moist air and you want to make it dry. There are two ways to achieve this. Passive drying(Sealed container and desiccant) and active drying(using heat).

Have a look around the forum and use the search feature for the subject drying and you will be rewarded - or punished - with a plethora of good and bad information. You have to educate yourself as to which you can trust.

Did I mentioned “Don’t over think this?” If not, here are the two rules. :yum:

  1. Don’t over think this
  2. If you think you’re not discovering enough information, see rule #1.

Here are a couple of really active topics. Some at my own hand, so even the person giving you this advice can be guilty. :crazy_face:

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