Drying PLA filament question

Will a drying box work, or is the roll OVER moistened? (Sorry for using that word lol).

Drybox will categorically not work. Sure, if you leave something moist in a box for a very long time, entropy will eventually take over and the moisture will equalize between the product in the box and the box itself. However, as a practical matter that will take months with filament. Unfortunately, you must heat the material to get the water into a vapor state and then ensure that the vapor has a path to escape. This is no different from a clothes dryer.

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I hate to do this but I assume you would want it? Hygroscopic. Hydroscopic is used for things used to view objects under water.

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LOLā€¦ assume or presume? ā€¦ want or expect?..:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Excellent questions and I wasnā€™t good enough in English class to answer! I canā€™t speak for Olias but maybe presume would be the better at my end? :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:



Sorry for the delayed response, as Iā€™ve had a very busy week. I did some research on filament dryers, and purchased the Creality Space Pi filament dryer. I ran the TPU through it for 12 hours, and noticed a significant difference with the sound and quality of the print. I also bought some cereal containers and printed the inserts with the rollers to store my rolls in, and added hydrometers to them.

After dying some of my rolls, Iā€™ve noticed a significant difference in the before and after weights. Iā€™ve also noticed a that my prints have less issues.

I really appreciate all of the feedback from this post.

Thanks again.

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Please share the links for the cereal boxes you purchased. Iā€™m always looking for a better solution.

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These are the boxes. They come in a pack of 4.

This is the hygrometer.

This is the insert.

Hygrometer holder add-on.

I find this design is the best one. Thereā€™s full box prints, which look really great, but I find it uses a lot of filament to print.