End g-code for Slow Cooldown when working with ASA

Does anyone have an end gcode for allowing for a slow cooldown? Like lower the temp 5 degrees every 10 min or something like that?

I don’t have the code for you but you will have to save it in a user preset for the printer that you use for ASA prints. I have done that for other things and end code in the filament preset did not work.

You will need to remove/comment out with a “;” where the bed is turned off in at the beginning of the “Machine end G-code”

; M140 S0 turn off bed

Then you will need to add at the end of “Machine end G-code” the bed temp you want to set, then a pause and then repeat this till you get to your final temp.


M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S85 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S80 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S75 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S70 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S65 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S60 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S55 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S50 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S45 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S40 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S35 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S30 ; set bed temp
M400 S600 ; pause for 600 seconds
M140 S25 ; set bed temp

This worked pretty good, I just need to figure out how to add some code to have it raise the print head.

The print head location is fixed in Z but you could drop the bed?


Lol yea that! Still think about my old bed slinger I guess.

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