It’s pretty clear these gears wear down which i think is normal and will need to be replaced infrequently. Thanks for the post.
Let this column know how the helical gears turn out after they are installed and tested. Heads up i got some nozzles off ali express and they were not great, caused jams. Never ever using the ali nozzles again unless a trusted source verifies.
That an old post. Ive since tried all kinds of gears and went back to Bambu OEM. The bambu are now angled helical gears as well in the latest revision. I do have one aftermarket set installed in my P1s but I mainly use that for low temperature filaments. I find the aftermarket gear set with the aluminium arms retain heat more and cause jams from heat creep with high temp materials, so I stick to OEM on my X1. Basically the stock OEM is the best.
1600 hours in. its still fine. no skipping or under extrusion.
now ive done gone said it, so prolly will fail tomorrow
I just got a brand new OEM Bambu extruder replacement and the gears are not helical. How did you get these?
Its normal to get different revision of parts from bambu sometimes. nothing wrong with them. My X1 and P1s came with regular gears, my latest P1s came with helical gears.
Ive ordered some hot end fans and got the older 0.2A version even though its been a long time since they upgraded to 0.4A. They use different suppliers and have variations.
I ended up ordering the Bambu OEM extruder assembly with gears, but since the shipping times were so long for me, I ordered the 3DHUB RNC Nano Coated Hardened Steel Extruder Gear Upgrade Kit off Amazon (probably the same white label mfr as your option from AliEx) which came much quicker. Installed it and I’m just printing with PLA for now and my prints are immaculate.
I will likely swap out this extruder with the after market gears, to the extruder with the OEM gears if I need to use any high-temp filaments to avoid heat creep issues.
Here is another post of mine, you can clean the stock gears pretty easily: