Glass print bed Home Z Axis error

You have too much weight on the bed. Had the same problem with my first new printbed with a mirror. U have to reduce the weight to solve this issue.

Since installing the Build plate guides you linked and tightening the screws, no.

I think the problem is that the glass plate will touch the old guides and then the bed can not get pushed down properly. Thatā€™s the cause of the ā€œHome Zā€ error.

But what the ā€œSensor X is too sensitiveā€ error is trying to tell me is another storyā€¦ Sadly no ideaā€¦

The problem is that the error is ā€œSensor X is too sensitiveā€ but for this error I do not find any informations about.

Error is here: HMS_0300_0A00_0001_0001 The sensititvity of heatbed force sensor 1/2/3 is too high | Bambu Lab Wiki

0300_0A00_0001_0001; 0300_0B00_0001_0001; 0300_0C00_0001_0001

If u have to much weight on the bed

But that info is giving me 0 information about what to do.

If it was true when the weight was the problem, the error would occur every time, and not only when I loosen the screws too much.

There you can see the ā€œtoo sensitiveā€ error.

U said, that u have a glass on top of the heatbedā€¦ right? The additional weight is too much for the sensors. They report a value back to the system and the system recognize a faulty heatbed.

I know the error. I had it too. After i removed some weight from the heatbed, the error is gone.

why donā€™t you understand?

Because the Error is gone and i did nothing else beside adding more weight (little additional plate guides) and tightening the screws.

So that means it has not only to do with the additional weight of the glass plate, because the glass plate is still on, and it is working.

Why do you not understand?

It is some combination of things, but not the weight alone.

Edit: maybe when my replacement bed arrives I can figure something out.

I was having the error but only when my sheet plate is placed far to the right, if I place the sheet far to the left, just aligned with the left bracket is working perfectly

Thatā€™s exactly what I noticed, itā€™s 90% related to the alignment of the printing plate.

Was it also the sensor 2 that reported the error?

Anecdotically, I can chime in that I had this very same error (failure to home z axis during z homing whilst cleaning the nozzle) after installing both the GoodPLate as well as the linked brackets.

I have since adjusted the right bracket somewhat resulting in an around 0.5mm displacement of the print plate to the right and the error has disappeared.

Good to know and at the same time weird, thanks :slight_smile:

But thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking aboutā€¦ It seems it is every time some kind of miss alignment.

Having this same issue and I developed my own alignment brackets. Once I have them honed in Iā€™ll share. They align both directions.


Hey, well, that sounds promising. There are certainly some who are happy about a better alternative to the already mentioned guide rails.
I would test them as soon as they are available.

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sweet, thank you! I had to stop using the guard rails because they align the plate in a way that would throw errors most of the times.

Just some testing on my side, and this is the most frustrating experience Iā€™ve had with a 3d printer in a while.

Brackets mounted : Z home error and the occasionnal force sensor 2 error.
Right after, I remove the brackets without moving the plate at all : both errors disappear.
Alright, I use my printer without the brackets for a while, and I decide to remix them to adapt them to my screws and everything, and give them another go.
Brackets mounted : those errors show up again. Alright, guess Iā€™ll remove them without touching the plate : errors again. Okay, swapping plates from PEI to Cold Plate andā€¦ it solves it?

I really donā€™t understand the factors behind this ā€œZ homing errorā€. If it was the plate alignment, the mere fact I didnā€™t touch the plate when removing the brackets and the error still shows up disproves this theory?

Iā€™m looking forward to read your thoughts.

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So unfortunately Iā€™m not sure what how where why but what I can say is that with the help of the guides from printables and attaching small rubber dampers to prevent slipping from the plate to the rear, bed tramming with screws tightened to almost maximum the problem has now ceased to occurā€¦ No matter how many times I have changed the plates.

Already posted this in another thread but this video explain one of many possile problems with force sensor :