Hole size issues


So i ran some test to make sure my holes were printing to accurate sizes and they were a bit tight so increased the x-y hole compensation.
Ive just printed a drill bit holder and 10mm holes are a little large, around 4mm is perfect and as they get smaller they get tighter. So it seems like the adjustment needed is relative to hole size. Are there any settings i can alter to correct this?



Yes, there are two settings which will affect have the biggest affect on hole geometry consistency that you can try Wall order first. Change it from the default inner/outer to outer/inner. This will make sure that the walls are deposited before the infill is laid down.


The second is wall loops. Try changing it from the default of 2 to something like 3 or 4. This will also increase the consistency of the holes.

There is one other option that I often forget because it’s new. Sometimes holes are put out of round because they have seams. You can try to use the new “Scarf Seam” function. It’s still in beta and you may have to load Orca Slicer if your Bambu Studio version doesn’t have it yet. Scarf seams will eliminate the little nubs from the interior. However, this is the least likely culprit when it comes to consistency.

Thankyou so much i will give this a try.

holes being too tight increasingly when they become smaller is a common issue of fdm printing. I also think that the current implementation of hole compensation in most slicers is not the right tool. It lacks adjustment by hole size as you mentioned. And furthermore it should not only apply to closed holes but to any concave walls. So at the moment, we don’t have a good feature for accurate holes in the slicers.
When I want accurate holes, I typically adjust the size in CAD and verify with small test prints. That works well with at most two tests typically.

In addition to Olias’ tips you could also try the feature polyholes. If I understood right, that replaces round holes by polygons, so that circles are replaced by a sequence of straight lines. While this not suitable in many cases it seems like a perfect fit for your application.

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