I’m printing different car parts, and I need to say that support quality are horrible. Yes, I have done maintenance, new nozzle, over 35h of printing test, calibration, 1,3kg of filament on different settings and can’t achieve print quality that I have on mini+ and mk4 (on stock settings!). I don’t want to count the time I spent setting profiles, the default ones for PETG are dramatic.
That is exactly what I did with my brand new A1. Plugged it in, and after I got through the set-up routine, printed my first print without a hitch. A month later and still no problems.
I have to agree, supports are terrible, when I use trees they tear itself down in the middle. When I use classic ones, they mutilate surface of object. Biggest letdown so far.
The shine of the PETG is missing. Maybe try slow down and/or raising the temp, and less cooling.
At least that is what I did to get PETG to work for me.
A update after owning the printer for 5 days: I’m glad I bought it! A huge bump in the overall experience, coming from an Ender 3 V2 Neo…
The AMS is game changer!
I had non of the adhesion issues yet (knock on wood). All my prints stick really well to the bed, and I stopped running bed leveling on every print!. When the bed cools, the prints are loose and need no wiggling to pull out.
The only issues I faced was with tree support, which is the only type of support I tried. 1 our of every 4 supports is failing (usually from the middle) and I’m not sure how to fix that!
Luckily this is not causing catastrophic failures since my objects can still be used with one failed support.
Did any one figure out how to fix the tree support failure? Thanks!
They just started working without me changing anything. When before they were collapsing, breaking, wrekcing havoc all over the print bed, now they just print perfectly. Macro shot of layer touching the print.
I shouldn’t expect it, but that’s exactly what I got with my A1. I know there is a big uproar over the A1 right now but mine has been nothing short of fantastic. I haven’t touched any settings in Bambu Studio. Literally unboxed, assembled and hit print. The benchy it produced was better quality than any benchy I had ever printed with my Ender.
I have a glowforge as well. Great machine that had a learning curve in the beginning. Once I figured it out, I’ve had very few issues. Same with 3D printing
I’ve had the A1 for a month. I’m printing throughout the day, every day. At least twice a week I’m cleaning up a big mess from a print failing. This is what happened yesterday. And I’m now at a loss of how to clean this one up…
Do you have idea on why this happened? Is the failed print due to the hotend scratching the infill like people are reporting?
I’ve been printing everyday as well and I was surprised at how well everything was going… until yesterday. I had the first failure -possibly due to an issue with tree support failure, or due to using a respooled filament. I was able to place a screw driver behind the hotend and gently remove it, since it was stuck.
My blob though was much smaller than this; mostly around the hotend, but it was a pain to clean with a sharp knife. Luckily after cleaning it, the A1 printed the next object like nothing has happened.
I feel like there should be a method put in place to avoid this problem. I had an Ender 3 before, and never had a blob issue like this from failed prints.
Anyone can chime in on how to avoid such catastrophic failures in the future?
I have had the machine “blob” twice on me. PIA to clean up. Heating the extruder is the only solution Ive come across. Unfortunately I can not heat up my extruder because a temp sensor is malfunctioning…