How to print multiple models in one overnight print

I would like to give an example why this has frustrated me:

Yesterday evening it was very late and really had to force myself to go to bed because I had to get up at 4h30 in the morning.

I thought, okay I’ll go to bed but quickly I want to start a large print that’ll be finished by the time I get home from work. I sifted through my saved prints from Makerworld and chose a few to print all together, along with some copies of my homemade models.

I prepared everything (set filaments, printer profile, added my own models to the plate) and then I wanted to start adding the downloaded models from Makerworld. Every model I opened from Makerworld, completely reset my print parameters and chosen filaments (I could not get the model to open in a new window, it always forced me to close my current project and open the one I downloaded)

So what was the result? I thought to myself, I don’t have time for this sh**.
My printer is now not printing and that has frustrated me