I am literally getting upset now at these prints

Sorry I missed this earlier, I was looking at the image on my laptop. Now that I’ve had a better look on a large monitor I can tell you that this is definitely a layer adhesion issue caused by incorrect temperature. While that could be your filament settings, I’m also going to suggest changing out the nozzle.

Why can I say that in so much certainty? Because yesterday I did exactly the same thing with Bambu PETG and this was my result.

Look familiar? Well, in my case, the cause was not paying attention and having the filament set for PLA when in fact it was PETG. So both the temperature and volumetric flow were wildly off and they produce the exact same result you see in your printer.

Now mind you that it was my settings that were messed up but hardware failure can also cause the same issue if the thermistor is reporting the wrong temperature value.

I would verify this by running a first layer test. You don’t have to run an entire sheet, resize it for 150x150x1.