Ideas on boosting speed for multi-color printing with AMS

This is a very interesting idea, I thought they looked a bit long but never got around to testing. Now I guess I’ll give this a try, easy enough to reverse if issues, eh? :grin:

A couple Q’s -

  1. I see you’re using Capricorn tubing, did you change the tubing for the whole print path?
  2. The angle on those tubes looks pretty severe, won’t that dramatically increase friction or snap filaments that are inherently brittle? Yes, I know they should all feed, but ITRW sometimes even properly dried ones are brittle.
  3. Just had a thought - I know you know about the long discussion on Banding / Ringing type artifacts?. I wonder how Capricorn tubing would affect that as it is a fair bit stiffer than standard PTFE. It would put a different load and “spring” value on the X movement. Thoughts?

This is true, and I actually have always used a very high speed (just below the grind point of the extruder) when purging on my Duet/CR-10S with the thought that the extreme pressure would also tend to knock out any stuck bits of the old filament, sort of a “super” purge.
