Is Bambu Silver PLA pure garbage?

Immediately what I thought when I saw this post. I remember seeing this when I purchased my Gold PLA at the end of October.

Definitely poor form from BL, it should be updated in their system.

Funnyā€¦ I just posted a thread with a printing problemā€¦ Pla silver

For me, reducing the max volumetric speed eliminated the worst of the stringing. However, I am still getting poor surfacing. Not my favorite filament. I have been using this roll up with a 0.2mm nozzle on models without long flat planes.

After a month of running lots of manual calibrations with many filaments I mostly get results from 0.016 - 0.019 (0.4mm nozzle). So I guess the K factor wasnā€™t strange after all.

Iā€™ve also learned since then that manual calibration of K factor and flow ratio are pretty fine tweaks and probably not responsible for major printing problems unless they are WAY off.

In my limited experience, everything prints ok at K 0.02 but a good manual calibration can sometimes improve detail and surfacing. And sometimes quite a bit.

The silver prints great for me but I have similar issues with the gold color.

Iā€™ve dried it but it was producing rough top layers and the infill wasnā€™t sticking down leaving almost a hairy look.

All I have to do is change the speed to silent and it prints perfectly. It just canā€™t seem to print at the same speed as all the other Bambu PLA. The first layer is pristine but then the second layer will have that sort of textured look. Almost like what the first layer looks like when the nozzle is too low. Iā€™ve done all the flow calibrations, it just doesnā€™t want to stick to itself at higher speeds.

I wonder if just increasing the temperature would also fix it. Maybe Iā€™ll try it.

Just noticed this message on the Bambu Store:

" For better print results, please reduce the Max volumetric speed from 21 mmĀ³/s to 15 mmĀ³/s when printing PLA Basic Silver/Gold/Bronze."

Seems like they should just make that part of the profile. That definitely fixes the issue for me with the Gold.

I tried 15 mm3/s after my last post above with my spool of silver which to be honest had never given me trouble. It didnā€™t work at all. Wouldnā€™t stick to the bed, really bad layer adhesion and just plain ugly. I also tried silent speed to no avail as well as drying it for 12 hours at 45Ā°C. I went back to 21 mm3/s and it returned to working just fine.

Yeah, my silver works fine at 21 so Iā€™ve never tried anything less.

So far, only the Gold is giving me issues.

Iā€™ve had great results using the factory settings with silver PLA. Now Silver ABS is a different story lol

Iā€™m having issues with the Gold PLA Basic. The adhesion is terrible and Iā€™m lucky if I can get it to stick. Itā€™s the only filament Iā€™ve ever had any issues with and I print anywhere from 20 to 40 kilos a month of different filaments.

When I have the occasional adhesion issues I print on the high temp plate and use the bambu glue stick or liquid. You can also try raising the bed temp a little if you donā€™t want to deal with glue. Seems pretty lucky if you havenā€™t run into this issue before.

Their pla basic silver is one of my favorite filaments. It almost looks like a silk but prints just like a regular pla.

Iā€™m new to the forum but I just wanted to express my gratitude for the feedback in this thread. I printed a drawer for an AMS stand in BLā€™s silver PLA the other day and the side walls came out horrible (quite similar to some of the pictures posted here). I had not noticed BLā€™s recommendation on reducing the max volumetric speed to 15 mmĀ³/s, so I was using the default 21 mmĀ³/s. Once I reduced this value to 15 mmĀ³/s, the drawers printed perfectly.

In fact, this change also got rid of the ā€œwavesā€ I could see being printed in the bottom of the drawer before the top layer was printed. I saw these ā€œwavesā€ back in December too when I was printing panels for a Christmas lantern, but back then they had no real visual impact on the end result.

IMHO, BL should handle this better. With the built-in RFID tags, they have the perfect solution instead of just putting a note on the product page.


From my interaction with Bambu it was obvious that they were unaware of the issue until this thread informed them of it. Correcting the problem would require them to recall product and change the RFID tags which they have expressed no interest in doing. Instead we get a half-assed response in the form of a note on the product page which is easily overlooked. We are fortunate to have a supportive community of users to fall back on.

So I am new to 3d printing. Got the Bambu Lab X1 Carbon, though I ordered grey but recieved PLA Tough Silver. Been having nothing but issues with first layer failing. I keep seeing to lower max volumetric speed to 15 from 21. However when in my filament settings the max setting is only at 2 mm3/s. I am running a .2 nozzle. I also went into the filament settings for my PLA Matte and Support material and they are also preset to 2 mm3/s for max volumetric speed. Am I in the wrong area, or do I need to increase my max from 2 to 15. Also I am using the Texture plate on the PLA side

For silk if you want good results you need to slow it waaaaaay down, not just on flow rate, but in speed settings especially for outside wallsā€¦ like 60mm or even 30mm speed! Makes it shine, as opposed to matte. Bambu even recommends to print on silent mode in their wiki, at 50% speed. Here are two printed with the same Silk, one at 150mm and one at 30mm.


The 15mm/s recommendation is for a .4 nozzle, you donā€™t get enough flow through the .2 for it to be a flow issue. If you have adhesion issues try some glue, or raise the bed temp a bit. I generally go to a smooth (high temp) plate and use some glue when my prints arenā€™t sticking. I have more adhesion issues with the .2 nozzle.

I have tried it at 60-65 bed temp. I have used the texture plate with and without glue. I have tried the default plate with glue as well.

Smooth PEI is the best plate if you are having issues. If that still does not work try nano polymer adhesive, it will make anything stick, its nanotubes and not a chemical adhesive.

Iā€™ve been printing with this, I did change some settings as posted above. Iā€™ve used about 1/2 a roll without any problems.
I actually really like the color, it is silver & not gray like others.