Prove it!
Like I said, advanced users broke into its MQTT output to find the lidar failing.
Does it “work”, whatever that means to you,??? Not really.
PA at 0.02
will in theory sort of work with filament but that is not the point.
When I buy a $2k 3D printer with a feature such the lidar, I expect it to work flawlessly, not pretend it work and remove errors from the display so users cannot see it.
X1C requires no lidar, period, they could have easily removed it and have an ever cheaper printer without fake advertisement.
You are comparing day and night, lidar has nothing to do to with Z-height which is done by the nozzle touching the bed, full stop.
The “shake” means the printer is trying to find the right frequency, when the tolerance is too off let’s say it was expecting 60Hz but got 100Hz back, it tries again or display error message according to its logic.
In my case, it would display laser errors and all, long story short, I had to open it and the bed communication cable socket on the main board. Others users had to replace the whole bed.
Lidar has nothing to do with Z-height.
I had a bunch of tickets until I returned it.
For the matter, the sake aka input shape does not work.
My prints had ringing all over them due to that. You can see it by yourself, check users with non matte filaments. Matte filaments hide the ringing/VFA.
I built a Voron Trident, up to 250mm/s and acceleration up to 12.6k but I don’t need all of that.
I ran input shaper on it, the printer is killing it with free ringing, printing 200mm/s at 5-7k.
My X1C had to be reduces to 170mm/s and 5k accell to reduce ringing, but was still there.
I spent 3 months with endless tests, so much filament wasted, support tickets, you name it.
X1C wasn’t my first printer either which is the case for many noobs.