Issue with A1 Initial Layer - Overheating?

I have an open ticket with support and have already replaced the bed on my A1, this is one of the new batch of A1s post recall.

The issue has been present since I got the printer and has persisted through a bed replacement.

The printer is just over a month old now.

I have cleaned the build-plate, manually trammed, used 3Dlac, tried multiple build plates, multiple brands of filament and multiple types of filament, but no matter what I do I am getting the same pattern on the bottom of any print that is over the center of the buildplate.

You can see the issue in the pictures attached. I have also attached an image of a teardown of a heat bed I found online and have drawn on the image to show what I think is happening. It’s almost as though these areas of the heatbed are hotter than the rest and are almost burning the print. Its sooooo weird.

Support appear to be struggling and are now taking over 24 hrs to reply to a single message.

It’s worth noting that the measurements of the area I have drawn on here line up with the pattern I am seeing on the bottom of my prints.