Layer shift on X1C

You can normally hear the fan running in the back left corner might be a u-tube video but this is a link to a post with information and other links MC Board Fan

What is the size of this part X & Y in mm

If you are using the Bambu Lab PC filament and profile for your next test print lets set the max volumetric speed to 20 just to slow it down a little more this also depends on your part size.

You can also turn on in printer options - Automatic-recovery from step loss but normally this is not a problem but it is an option you can use.

When printing under high acceleration or if the excess chute is blocked by pileup, there are risks that the XY motor will skip steps during printing. When the printer is homing, it will monitor the load of the XY motors to determine if the tool head has reached the end stop. Now, we use the same method to monitor the step skipping during printing. If skipped steps are detected, the printer will pause the print and do an XY-axis homing, then resume the print.