Live stream viewing: black bands rolling down the screen

In live stream viewing my screen has black bands rolling down it. Ive had no probs before this started today. Any ideas how i can get rid. Ive tried logging out and back in. Next ill try a control/alt/delete but in the middle of a long print. Thanks in advance.

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Have you add any additional LED lighting to your printer or do you have a lot of fluorescent lights in the room? The frequency of the lights and the camera refresh rate can conflict to produce shutter issues.


What Jon said. Those bands are just the display refresh not being synced to whatever camera frame rate your camera is using.

If you haven’t noticed it before, I’d guess you are using a different camera or your lighting has changed such that the camera frame rate / exposure is now more closely matching the refresh rate of the screen. Many cameras will change their exposure times automatically so my guess you either need to turn more lights on or off to get rid of the banding.

Yes! I have added LED strip lights on the top glass. That might explain it. I’ll switch it off and see if that changes things. Thanks for your very quick response Jon.

Yes! I have added LED strip lights on the top glass. That might explain it. I’ll switch it off and see if that changes things. Thanks for your very quick response Mzip.

You were right! LED lights were the cause so off they come! Thanks again for your help.

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