MakerWorld Deleting Uploads That Don't Have a Physical Image

My guess is they were hoping to bank enough points to grab one at some point.

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Yeah probably, but that’s doesn’t seem to be his only motivation, since he also publishing content on thingivers.

I might be wrong, but to me it’s just a kid trying to get a printer for Christmas ^^

Probably a little bit of that going on. I found Foxy’s profiles on other sites, and he does seem to do more original models vs the game ripped models we see here on Makerworld.

I’m not against the idea of anyone trying to do some models for points to get a printer. I think that should come with some care and attention to the community that is giving out those rewards though. I’ve told people in the past, partner with someone. Post on groups and work with someone with a 3d printer to test your work.

Foxy has work he’s done that is his original work, that could be spruced up for 3d printing and I think people would enjoy some of it, so.


Having an attentive and caring community is super important. This is why I don’t think starting a witch hunter over someone (supposedly a kid) who obviously enjoys 3d modeling and has only 50dl on its 5 or so models is probably the best way to handle this.

I’m not saying this is the case but this can side tracks very quickly.^^`

Yeah, I agree. It sucks for a few but is better for everyone.

I’m planning on getting a resin printer, I just need to save up my money. I do have access to a 3D printer at my school, but the printers just don’t like the models I try to print.

I’ve tried printing out some 3D models for cosplay, but all they do is just birds nest, and I don’t know if that is because of the slicer or the printer, but it is annoying.

This is why you need to provide printed evidence. I am unsure why you want to upload models that don’t work for you?

If you extract the models from a game, etc… it is not a united mesh, they are made up of many pieces, probably when you import it into the 3D software you would see many objects that, even if you export as Stl, are not suitable for printing.

The same thing happens when a design is made and the different parts are not joined, the slicer can interpret it as gaps.

Whilst MW is open to all users irrespective of printer the community clearly favours BL printers.

The profiles you add dramatically favour BL printers.

At the time of writing, BL doesn’t have any resin printers nor does it appear likely it will launch one in the next couple of years.

You previously put up profiles for FDM (not resin) printers for a printer you have never used and you have no access to any printers. The printer you want isn’t one that BL supports or sells and uses wildly different methods of printing that are incompatible. The methodology to print resin can be very different to that of FDM.

You are very welcome here.

However, shouldn’t you look for communities that use resin printers and print miniatures and the things you are interested in?

Cool :slight_smile:

It’s most probably bed adhesion issue related:

  • Make sure the bed is clean (dish soap and hot water).
  • level de bed and do a bed mesh if it available on the print.
  • if you prints require supports, make sure they are enough supports. You can also use gyroid infill and enable Z hot to avoid the nozzle from dragging on the print.
  • and lastly if you are trying to pint over night. Even PLA can warp during cold nights because of the a too important difference of ambiant temperature during the day and the night. So a little enclosure can help to reduce this tepm diff and prevent de print from warping.

I downloaded one of the boxes out of curiosity and here is the problem with your “bird nests”.

As you can see there are layers lost because the program does not know how to interpret the errors.

I have repaired it with Netfabb, although it is a trunk that is hollow inside without a functional hinge, in short, printing it would be a waste of time, it has holes inside where it will generate supports.

There’s not much more to say, the internet is flooded with 3D print designs that can’t be 3D printed, so a photo of the print should be mandatory.


The reason that some models are up and others are deleted is probably because people didn’t report all of them. I’ve wasted my time and filament with models without proof of result, so I started reporting whenever I see one.

you haven’t modelled any zelda chests, I doubt you have modelled anything at all. you’ve just ripped the chests from the game.

We’re well past that. Plus, if you read the description of the model, you would see that I took the renders before I fixed up the models and made them STL files.

I do all my setups with Astroprint, and when I imported it into the buildplate, it didn’t have any of these problems. I’m guessing that this was an issue on your end, because it didn’t look like this when I set it up to print.

Also, I didn’t print these, I printed the energy cell by EthanOSU on Thingiverse, and that is what bird’s-nested.

Screenshot 2024-05-13 7.48.49 AM
@Alsamen this is what it looks like on the buildplate on Astroprint.

Yeah and pre-slice it’ll look like that in most software. The issues are still there though that’d cause serious slicing issues. That model needs fixed before it’s realistically printable.

It’s a game model… there’s open geo… You need to go in and close that stuff at the least. You need to make adjustments for 3d printing. You can’t just rip a game model and expect it to just work. 3D printing is magic.

I’m not trying to be mean or anything, or I don’t know. You’re showing such a clear lack of understanding though, from the modeling side, to the slicing side. If you don’t understand what you’re seeing from Alsamen’s screenshots, then you don’t know what slicing actually is. You aren’t thinking about how 3D Printing actually works.

Astroprint isn’t a slicer, it’s just a web frontend/management type thing, whatever. You need to go check out Bambu Slicer, or Prusa Slicer, load your model up, hit the slice button, and start seeing what’s going on first hand.

You need to learn about best practices for 3d printing, how the mesh should be prepared, what things will cause issues (Like holes in your geo, or with some slicers, intersecting geo can cause issues).

The stuff you have up on Makerworld does not belong on Makerworld. It is not suitable for 3d printing at all in the state you put it up there. If you want to put stuff up on Makerworld and expect to get somewhere, you need to put some level of effort into learning this stuff, so you can put up suitable files that are actually printable.


I could see how this would turn into a bird’s nest if you don’t have the knowledge to set things up right. It’s not a 100% straight forward print with some odd overhangs and most of the parts aren’t orientated the best in their raw files.

what specific issues you had though, could be difficult to pinpoint without grilling every point. Some of those meshes if you pulled in straight and hit print, it’d be a guaranteed bird’s nest, without a doubt. I suspect maybe that happened to you? Based on your comments around the chest and astroprint.

In Spain we say " Vas a enseñar a tu padre a hacer hijos" you are going to tell me that the mistake is mine when I have been in the 3D world for more than 20 years and 6 in 3D printing…
Look at the link in my profile and you will see that I understand a little about the subject. :wink: