Maximum Printing Space P1

Wow Philch! I never even saw those options. Thanks! I am just on day 4 though. I’m really loving this thing (P1S) if I overlook the pitiful LCD. And I can easily do that because it’s doing some fabulous prints.

Brilliant Philch! I went there and I can see that the selection is left blank, and the bed exclude area defaults for that 18 x 28 corner for the filament cutter. And since I’m not using AMS, I wonder if I can just override that? I know I still have to cut filament on load/reload, so I’m not sure what would happen. And I wonder if that would require me to make the little attachment referred to in the wiki. Hmm…

It’s blank on my P1S as well but when I click “Set” I’m offered 256x256 as default so I guessed (wrongly?) that the default proposed is the default built-in. For sure in my case if I set a primitive part to be 256 wide or 256 high, I have no warning.

Hmm. That’s the thing about technology: There are so many combinations of selections that two people might appear to be set up identically, yet one of them throws a warning while the other doesn’t. Makes my head hurt. But that’s the price of miraculous technology-- you have to go through the pain of learning.