How to people still keep getting away with posting models that have nothing to do with the contest example below in link. i thought makerworld where going to crack down on this from happening
Report it as irrelevant from the contest list.
Have been and nothing gets done at this stage
If Bambu/Makerworld keeps doing such a bad job reinforcing their own made rules (both on the model platform as well as on this forum) the users (those bringing real value to both) will stop posting models and comments, and most likely, they’ll either stay on the sidelines or (eventually) migrate elsewhere.
Bambu’s loss
It is no longer showing as in the contest.
If you report something and someone else reports it first, you will not be informed if it is a successful or otherwise report.
That is how much your time is valued.
They are on holiday, give them a bit more time →
Nope, as they’re not giving you any.
There not on holidays and model has now been remove but still holidays or not they need to be keep on top of this sort of things more