Multi plate automation for A1 mini

Interested in A1 mini automation. Please inform me when released.” or similar

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alles klar :smiley:
Ok, I will. ^^ If you give thumb-up to my first post here, you will also be notified.


Yes, it can be used with or without AMS.

Hello, good morning. I wanted to ask you, how do you make a BambuLab printer print the next part right after printing the first one? I’m not sure if the process continues automatically or if you do it manually, or what changes you made to the G-code to repeat the print. Can you help me please?

Hi Ocho,

you can easily stitch multiple GCODE files into one or just repeat the same multiple times by copy and paste in a simple text editor. A more comfortable way is using a script. I have published one on github. Please check this thread:


Thank you very much Dill, I will read it :heart:

Hi Dill, when you plan to release your system?
I have 6 A1Mini running 24/7 and this system could be a life changer.

Will there be an Alpha/Beta test?

Many thanks for you amazin works!


Hi, sorry for late response. I guess I will start the pre-sale early September, maybe late August. Beta tests are running right now and feedback seams positive so far.


Congratulations. Do you have an idea of the price, or are you still calculating the issue financially?

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Short update:

Beta tests shows good results so far. I was able fixing some bugs in the software and successfully validating latest design changes. I would say it looks like we are finally on the home stretch. :star_struck: Now I started reaching out to press and asking YouTubers if they would be interested in trying the automation and making a review. I have got several commitments so far.

Make your suggestion…

If you would also like this automation upgrade to be reviewed by a YouTube channel you trust, please feel free to make a suggestion here and I will try to get in touch with them. The only condition or constraint here is - I can’t provide the printer itself, so the reviewer should already own a BambuLab A1 Mini.


I have a price-tag in mind, but it will be published on release. The plan keeping it as affordable as few spools of good filaments remains valid. :wink:

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My question would be what are the deliverables? Is it a small bag of hardware and a script to splice gcode together or fully injection molded parts?

Why does it matters as long as it works and does what it’s designed for? :wink: Injection molding doesn’t make since here. I have no illusions about selling 100k of these kits.
The queue-app will process 3mf files not gcode.

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It matters as charging $60-90 for a bag of hardware draws the attention of people/companies that can provide said hardware at a much lower price and can bring it to market very quickly as they have shipping logistics already in place. I’ve been down this road before and seen lots of startups burned trying to bring kits to market.

Have you considered partnering with a company that already provides 3rd party build plates and has shipping logistics in place? That would seem like the optimal partnership as having a bunch of build plates is a requirement.

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Maybe you are right, we will see. As we launched JobOx back in 2022 we where also afraid it will be copied immediately, but it never happened. If it happens on some later point, I have plans on how to proceed. My only concern now is that BambuLab has anogh original biuldplates for A1m in stock to cover the demand peak I will probably cause on the launch. I don’t want to test through all the third party plates on the market in order to make recommendations. :sweat_smile:

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Hi Dill,

I am from México and I am very interested in your automation kit for the Bambu Lab A1 Mini printer. Could you please let me know when it will be available for purchase?

Thank you!

Hi Brauciel,
welcome in forum :blush:
Just give a thumb up :+1: to the first post in this thread and I will notify you. :v:


that’s so cool! Can’t wait to try it. I’m running my design studio to produce the original design product. It’s perfect fit for us, as we use a1 mini to produce our main product. I’m urged to buy one! Could it be delivered to China?

Hi Alvin_Studio, welcome in forum!
Currently it’s not in available for purchase, but we have design freeze and the launch is been prepared right now. Please give a Thumb up to the first post in this thread and you will be notified shortly before launch :slight_smile:


I have a A1 but if it works on the A1 mini why cant it be adapted for the A1? it should be a simple thing to do shouldnt it?