after click resume my p1s start doing bed leveling right on my print and now it doing air printing. anyway i can bring my print back to the right bed level for it to continue?
Welcome to the forum.
If a print is stopped or canceled there is no way of resuming at a specific level. If you know the layer it was stopped at you can reslice the print with the model lowered to that point, remove the already printed model and print the remaining section. Then you glue the parts together.
After resume, you mean when you have paused it?
yea i paused and resume. then the machine start bed leveling right on top of my print after i hit resume
List exactly what steps were taken from the start of the print to the end, leave nothing out. Except if you went to the bathroom, we don’t need to know that.
Can’t say I’ve ever heard of any printer just stopping and releveling after a pause.
- i receive a notification on my phone that “filament cannot push to extruder”
- i checked my ams and the filament was broken inside the tube
- i took out the ptfe tube in the back of ams and took out the broken piece. this is piece of cake
- i push the filament back to ams and hit resume it show another error about extruder something cannot remember that but i just hit resume
- the p1s start leveling i saw the bed keep bring up and hit the top part of my print to the nozzle and it keep going faster and vibrating then it start resume the print with wrong leveling
would be really nice to know what the second error was.
So the printer auto paused with the first error, correct? You removed a small piece of filament or did you pull a whole piece that ran from the extruder to the end of the AMS PTFE tube?
I am thinking I am misunderstanding you, and I’m sorry. I don’t follow with “pushed the filament back to the ams”.