You have to assume the model will break before the need for carbon steel screws are required.
New is new though.
You have to assume the model will break before the need for carbon steel screws are required.
New is new though.
New MakerWorld model:
Got some good ones today:
And this one that I designed
At least one of those is a plant!
Two new ones, both just launched, both out of stock in the U.K., who would have 8mahjned that!
I love pasting U.K. specific URLs for the preview to show US entries with US prices!
These are out of stock in the US store as well but they aren’t showing up in the main store listing - I can only see them using the direct link you provided. Maybe they were published earlier than intended?
Regardless, those universal joints are now at the top of my list
For the universal joints, it’s interesting that it says that the application can be for " 3D Printers: Ensure smooth movement and accurate positioning of the print head."
Yes, as if they don’t do enough to malign the Brits!
I do take comfort the US doesn’t appear to have them yet.
Any bets on the US getting them on the store and in stock before the U.K.?
Hmmmmmmmm, I don’t see any use for that in a printer… unless the H2D is indeed a real printer but not the one that was leaked Delta printers might use it, or maybe robotic arm printers? I’m personally hoping (and I predicted it a while back) for a robotic arm, it’d be so freaking cool. Cya, supports. Sayonara, layer lines. Plus it fits with Dr. Tao’s description of it being something people will want to watch print. And it’d be pretty portable. If this isn’t the H2D then I demand it to be their next printer, pretty please?
This is going in the speculation thread
It’s spelt “conspiracy”.
I think you mean “redcoats”, don’t you?
The mini pro case link is a 404 page now
The model is here, you only require double-sided tape from MakerSupply.
Thank you for the response! Honestly i wasn’t sure what it was which is why clicked it, but I was just letting the person know in case they wanted to edit their post to the new link since that one was 404.
It appears to have disappeared from the store entirely
Looks like they’re back
This is a small thing but I think it could be really helpful - I’m just wrapping up a project where I needed to design around the available SH1.0 wire lengths and this adapter should alleviate that in the future.