My brand new P1S has problems printing flat layers. I am not sure if this is just overextrusion. In the first 3 pictures you can see the issue. The last picture is just a comparison how these parts came out from my old P1S. As a matter of fact all items seen in the picture cam out perfect on my old P1S printed at the same time.
I used new and dried filament The slicer settings and gcode was the same for both printers.
Any idea whats wrong?
Looks like over extrusion to me. Have you calibrated the filament on the new P1S? This calibration is printer specific and does not carry between different printers via G-code.
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Thanks for your reply. I used the same value as with my x1 and my other p1s. I know I could start adjusting the flow rate. But it should not be needed. I would rather change the nozzel or extruder to get the printer working the same as the other two.
I have re calibrated, downgraded the software, did a factory reset. Everything is super clean and the settings are the same as on my other two printers.
By now I believe it must be mechanical.