Noisy MC board fan - and possible fix

Thanks to you I was able to replace the bad stock fan with two Noctua and got better cooling and lower noise! But it doesn’t seem that Bambu replaced the stock fan everybody is complaining because my X1C arrived a few days ago. It’s even worse. My actual printing time with the X1C is below 5h due to business of myself but two days ago the stock fan sounded like a full power mowing machine when I turned on the printer.

At first I tried to reduce vibrations and mowing machine sound with a TPU fan surrounding. It worked great but found out that the cooling power of the NF-A4x10 was even better.

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It will probably be a month or two before newly shipping printers have the better fan.

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My Tinnitus does not agree with aggro fans…

Is there pherhaps 3 Noctua fans that would be plug and play replacements for the 3 OEM fans mounted upon delivery? (Or is it a soldering and muck up session that would even give Tesla a Migraine…?)

Anyhows I trackingnumbered my X1CC and it has crossed over the border to my side, and legend has it that it could arrive during the coming week… My face is stuck to pressed against the window staring at my mailbox… gosh time goes slow when you wait for a X1CC WOHOOOOO!!!


You don’t want to replace all the fans with Noctua versions - they move little air. It will be a “soldering an muck up” session if you choose that route.

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I would actually prefer if there were PAPST fans availible, they move wast amounst of air at a fraction of the noice of it’s competitors. No matter what any tests say, hook’em up side by side and theres beyond a shadow of a doubt they own all other brands. Might not have leds, wifi and crepes, they just oldschool dominates!
If there was a set of quiet better fans, which theres undoubtedly are judging from the general judgements of the mounted oem fans. Then I would very much like to upgrade with such a set (Theres 3 fans in the X1CC right?!?)

Has anyone found such a set with correct sockets/plugs, please share it with us forummates! :smiley:

UPDATE; I wrote the last status report 18 mins ago, my package has still not arrived…

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There are five fans in the X1CC: Hotend, part, aux, chamber, MC board.


Even better, anyone know replacement PAPST fans with correct connector? :+1: :partying_face: :+1:
Everybody we need at least 5 fans, Holmes identified the bunch!!! thanks mate

Would a qualityquietfan upgrade the Hotend?

Are the Fans the source of the majority of the sound from these X1 printers?

Heck I think most of us wouldve gladly paid a small sum between to get quality quiet fans like PAPST fans from start, I understand from the initiated that we get a heckuv’an Epic product and that they have to cut some reasonable corners to keep the cost down to 20 Strokes and some small change Aneurysms when VAT dawns on you upon fondling the BUY button…
Butt it would pherhaps be a welcome choice to have an “upgrade fans” option enabling us to milk the piggybank and wring out the last oink for some quiet fans, especially as we’all Bambu Lab fans here!!! :pig_nose:

I dunno if this is more intense than X-mas when I was waiting for my Atari 2600 with Moon Patrol… Yeah it deff is!!! Now it has been DAYS since I ordered my X1-CC, it has still NOT popped up!!! :sob: (Neither has Moon Patrol, the Atari 2600 did tho!) Gotta check the trackingnumber and the mailbox again…

Ooohhh the wait… , just ordered a small stack of filaments a drybox a gluestick and prioritized pack and dropkick it on a passing Fedextrailer!!!

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Nairod’s mod inspired me to make something similar for a 40x20 fan.
I found the 60x25 fan to be too big and cumbersome, getting in the way of lots of wires, and I don’t think the controller board needs overkill cooling anyway.

A 40x20 fan can be installed and removed without having to touch anything else, which is how I prefer it.

The bracket I made can be printed without any supports.
I’ve made it availble on thingiverse.


Thanks for the info. The replacement fan that Bambi a few weeks ago is already doing the death whine. I think I’ll buy the better fan and use your bracket.
Do the 4-pins.onnrhwmnew fans connector match with the stock fan or did you have to change the wires?

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I used the wire mapping provided by Planetix in the thread above.

Bambu wire color → Noctua wire color :
Black → Yellow (+5V)
Gray / Dark Gray → Black (GND)
Gray / Light Gray → Green (RPM/Tach)
White → Blue (PWM)

The Black-Gray-Gray-White order is of importance. Make sure to not switch the 2 gray wires.


about the design, it seems the original position of the fan enable to blow the air out of the machine. But with the “new” design, it seems the position of the fan avoids the air to blow out of it. Don’t you think the hot air will stay into the machine?

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The picture shows the fan oriented so that air is blowing into the machine.

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Thanks for that info. I just ordered the fan from Amazon and will have it Sunday. I hope the existing fan can limp by until then.


yes, but in the original position the air is oriented towards the board by the side, then it can go away by the aeration grid.
in the “new position” the fan is facing the board but the air goes at the opposite of the aeration grid.

Maybe I’m completly wrong, but I wonder if it doesn’t mean that the hot air is going to stay in the machine ?

The original position moves some air across the heatsink but does not remove air from the inside. It doesn’t do much, really.

I’m not sure it’s a good idea to mount the fan over the ventilation holes. It’s not a mod I will be doing.


I think I’ll “just” replace the stok fan by a noctua, and let it at his original position !


It works just fine.
When you put your hand over the holes in the backplate you can feel hot air getting blown out above and below where the fan is.
This is good.
It means the air around the board gets circulated as fresh air gets sucked in and blown onto it.

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Had anyone tried putting a main board fan in a P1P? I’ll try later to see if the plug has voltage on it. I’m about to do a large batch of ASA printing and want to make sure I don’t overheat anything on the board, since I’ll be in a heated enclosure.

In case anyone is curious, there is 5VDC on the plug for the main board fan on the P1P. I wonder why they didn’t include a fan…


HI, I bought a Noctua 40X20 fan like you, but there are 3 wires, not 4 wires.
How do I connect the wires? If I follow this photo, is it correct?


Can you tell me which one is Blue wire(2nd or 3rd from right side)?

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