Not export my file from Bambu lab

I am unable to save/export my bambu lab file from bambu studion.

Has anyone encountered this problem?

Can you help me?

Thank you

You MUST tell us how you are attempting to the export so we can help.

I click on file<export<export generic 3mf and then I open finder and I don’t see my file and when I save it sends me a warning: “Failed to save the project.
Please check whether the folder exists online or if other programs open the project file or if there is enough disk space.”

Thank you

Please if you read this message HELP ME, please

What operating system are you using?

Where are you trying to export to? Have you tried exporting it to a folder on your desktop/local drive?

Also, is there is a reason you are trying to export a generic 3mf instead of just using save/save as?

I used Bambu studio, the problem is to save ant to export
Thank you very very much