I am a newbie but have been doing a lot of reading and watching videos but still can’t figure this problem.
When I slice this stl file with thin walls it does not slice it as expected.
I attached an image of what it should look like completed and a couple in the slicer showing what it is doing. The first image is default settings with no thin walls or Arachne enabled. The last one was with detect thin walls enabled but I also get the same result with Arachne.
The completed image shows between the thin walls it goes down and creates a “U” which looks like it will give greater support to the walls.
In the slicer it does not do that and therefore the walls are extremely brittle.
I tried messing with all different settings in the slicer with no luck but I really don’t know what every option will do at this time either.
The designers settings and printer is the following.
Printer brand: Creality, Printer:Ender 3, Rafts: No, Supports: No, Resolution: 0.14,
Infill: 50%, Filament material: PLA,
Notes: Choose “Print Thin Walls” in Cura for best results printing the comb teeth.
Any direction on what I can do to fix this will be greatly appreciated.
You are trying to print walls that are much thinner than a single Line Width. A 0.2 mm nozzle might work better, but I’m guesstimating that those features are only about 0.25mm thick, which are going to be very delicate no matter how you print it.
EDIT: Google image search found what I think is the model, so I tried slicing for a 0.2 nozzle, with 0.06 layer height, detecting thin walls. After the sixth layer of the tooth (0.36mm), there is only a single line for each layer, so there is not much strength.
With 0.4 nozzle, 0.8 layer height, the tooth becomes a single line after only two layers (0.16mm), which explains why the “U” is poorly defined and cannot provide much support.
I’ve used several slicers. Prusa, Cura Ultimaker, and now Bambu. There is a feature in Cura Slicer that I’m unable to find in either Prusa or Bambu’s. The feature adds thickness to all walls, as much as 0.35mm without significantly changing the model appearance. But enough to fix broken models or models not intended to print on FFF printers. This has been very useful for non-mechanically accurate models that have too thin walls.
Is there feature in the Bambu Slicer to do this?
Intro, I’m a new member to Bambu forum, recently purchased and set up a A1 w/ AMS. The machine is well built and incredible. I’ve been 3D Printing for about 5 years or so. My level of experience is more than moderate, less than expert. Repaired lots of printers, upgraded them to actually work, and run a Maker’s Print Farm at Lowell Makes, MA. Currently we have four FFF Prusa’s, an X-MAX, 2 functioning Ender 3, Ender 3 turned into a Prusa mechanical system, and two Ender5 Pluses. Active users, at any given time of year 10-30.
The A1 Combo is my personal printer set up to display capabilities. Very pleased so far.
I think “Detect thin wall” is the Studio version of that Cura feature.
It helps when a wall is too thin and just shows as empty space after slicing. I don’t think it would help with this particular model since making the wall thicker would reduce the size of the openings for the wires.
In the cases I’m discussing this feature does not help. The slicer removes the wall. What the Cura feature does is add to all model walls (everywhere) before slicing, making the model printable because what was too thin to print is now printable.
Also, I understand for mechanical parts this is not a good feature. BTW, if the part is that thin and are expected to separate wires they will just break under minimal stress if not a flexible material.