OpenSCAD, Bambu Studio and .3mf files

You may be overthinking this. It’s totally OK to be new in this hobby but if there is one thing I learned is that you have to verify this stuff on your own. An overwhelming majority of the stuff you read in forums and on YouTube is pure Bullshit. Unless you can place your eyeballs onto actual evidence, take whatever you hear as opinion and conjecture. This includes anything I post. What may work for me, may not work to your satisfaction.

On the subject of wiper alternatives. I did post an experiment in this link here. Your welcome to make of that what you will. However, after using this form of wiper, it does work well but I will be the first to admit that it was not really worth the trouble after using it for 6 months. But I left it there nonetheless and who knows, for your use-case it may work. But don’t trust me, verify it for yourself and then share your findings here. If you think it’s garbage, I won’t be offended. It’s not my design. :wink:

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