In addition, I am sharing the code for the font I wrote!
If I put ‘font_variable’ in my font code it works
Font = "Nasa"; // [Inter, Inter Tight, Lora, Merriweather Sans, Montserrat, Noto Emoji, Noto Sans, Nunito, Nunito Sans, Noto Sans SC, Open Sans, Open Sans Condensed, Oswald, Playfair Display, Plus Jakarta Sans, Raleway, Roboto, Roboto Condensed, Roboto Flex, Roboto Mono, Roboto Serif, Roboto Slab, Rubik, Source Sans 3, Ubuntu Sans, Ubuntu Sans Mono, Work Sans]
Font_Style = "Regular"; // [Regular,Black,Bold,ExtraBol,ExtraLight,Light,Medium,SemiBold,Thin,Italic,Black Italic,Bold Italic,ExtraBold Italic,ExtraLight Italic,Light Italic,Medium Italic,SemiBold Italic,Thin Italic]
font_variable = str(Font , ":style=", Font_Style);
If you want to see it in action, check out my printer profile [Car plate Keychain Creator]
(However, after the update, the parameters window appears cut off from the full screen of opensacd. Is it just me?)