P1S Print Start Visualized

Well then, maybe you can relate to the non-viable Horta egg next to the picture with the desk.

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Ahh!!! I missed that.

Way too cool!!! :+1:

Massive semi-precious gem/mineral/fossil show in Denver every September. Got it there

Printing a pumpkin candy holder. 2 pieces, the top and the pumpkin. The first swing around of data it the top, (2 hour print) and currently printing pumpkin (3.5 hour print.)
As a side note, if you look at the topmost left side graph and you see the sawtooth pattern before I started printing the top, that is my AC starting and stopping.


Following. If it’s easy enough to implement I’m interested. I had pi-hole, ignorance and stupidity killed that project. Had a lot going on so that could have been a factor. I have a raspberry or two around here.

That may be what you tell people. But, we know what it really is.

Are you suggesting that our friend may be raising real Hortas, and should the Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) agency be contacted for possible violations of Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.) Title 33, Article 6, a.k.a. “The Wildlife Act,” which has restrictions on raising unauthorized alien species as pets? :rofl: Just sayin’… :wink:

LOOOOL Rocky Mountain High,…Colorado
For when SC humidity hits 100% and there are about 100,000 mosquitoes per cubic meter.

They (Adafruit) have have developed an ecosystem that is pretty much plug and play. No coding, no soldering. Downside is that you are married to Adafruit. I’m fine with that rather than coding each sensor separately which was the other option.

Now that Pi’s have gotten grossly expensive, you can buy a Metro Microcontroller for $22
I’m waiting on UPS to deliver one to me to wire the AMS a temperature and humidity sensor. They have components you can turn things on and off but that’s above my paygrade

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I think Adafruit, who in the business of selling sensors and microcontrollers decided they had to change their business model. One thing when a Pi was $30 - $40 but a Pi5 rocks you back $90.
By them writing the firmware and you just having to configure the microcontroller and add sensors and other components they have removed my main impediment to using the stuff they sell.
First time is always harder because of the learning curve but it is the way to go.

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For those of us looking closely at our handiwork, be aware of the environment in that enclosure. Lots of fine particulate swirling about.

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