Perimeters speed and corners

Good day dear.
I’m trying to figure this thing out. Here is an example of a model printed in vase mode at a fairly high speed.

Here, the perimeter speed rests against the maximum volume velocity of the material. In my case, 22 mm3/s. And that’s what the problem is. If you greatly reduce the speed of the perimeters to somewhere around 50 mm/s, then everything is printed more or less normally. But at the same time, during the test for the maximum volumetric speed, the object in it is also printed in vase mode without problems at speeds up to 30 mm3/s. And according to the width of the layer that is there, it is somewhere under 150 mm/s. I set the same layer width as in that test object and still got defects on this box.

I think it’s because that test object has no sharp corners at all. Is it possible somehow in the slicer to take into account the presence of corners in the model to automatically take this factor into account, instead of reducing the overall speed of the perimeters manually?

What is the layer time, a couple of seconds?
Maybe it doesn’t have time to cool down enough before the next layer is laid down causing instability?


Printing in Vase Mode is recommended to be done at slower speeds, especially if the model is very small, like the one you shared in the image.

If the print speed is too fast, the previous layer doesn’t have enough time to cool down and support the previously printed layer.

It is best to try the default settings in the filament profile used to confirm if the results are better.

Depending on the size of the model, it is recommended to increase the minimum layer time value if the model is smaller, and you can try decreasing it if the model is larger and has enough time to cool down.

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