PETG (PolyLite) Adhesion Poblems / Wobbly Brim

I agree with the OrcaSlier recommend. I wrote a long PSA about it you might check it out (Click the Blue Link).

It can coexist with BL Studio and they share 95% of things, but it specifically has Two or Three click Calibrations that handle most of the “this Filament doesn’t behave” issues we see here. :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:

You ryn the tests and save them to a new Filament Profile, after that when you use that filament it’s a one click matter to be dialed in.

You can continue to use BL Studio of you wish but they’re so similar most people stay with it.

Be sure to follow the links in that post, you’ll see it’s easy even if you’re new, super easy if you’re experienced. :grin:


EDIT: There are also known issues with the Bed having a warp. It’s the longest thread on here! There are fixes, but try dialing in the filament first, it’s a one time thing for each filament, well worth the effort.