Apologies for those who have seen it, but filament fresh from the manufacturer can absolutely have too high of a moisture content straight from the vacuum bag with a desiccant pack.
PETG HF tends to have a higher “dryable” moisture content in my experience than PLA because PETG HF is more hygroscopic. I haven’t dried many spools of it yet but that’s how it has been going.
Here’s two photos - PETG HF straight from the bag and into the printer shows a doughy surface texture, lifting corners, and mild stringing and eruptions that cause other surface defects.
The second photo is the same spool after drying and losing about 3g of water IIRC. Flat and smooth surfaces, and no lifting. The “wet” filament was good enough maybe if I didn’t mind the defects, but without question, drying it well made it print like all the hype around PETG HF said it would. Drying is the only difference between the wet and dry images. Same model. Same plate.