Potential Painful Blow to FDM Printing in the US

wouldn’t be taking the printer.

When Apple lost the case using heartbeat sensor they were told to stop selling affected models. Those that owned the Apple Watch before that date were left alone. Apple simply couldn’t sell anymore infringing products. The result was Apple withdrawing the feature on future models, and those produced after the judgement.

There is absolutely no precedent in forcing anyone to give up a legally owned product. I don’t think any judge anywhere would want to set it.

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I don’t think you read or comprehended my posts concerning ownership.

That’s not directed to you. Replied to someone else.
Not picking a fight there Tex!

This ^ or it get settled behind the scenes with some kind of royalty cut to Stratasys but if it was me and my company, I would fight it. These things have been in the public sphere by other companies for years, they just want a piece of the pie.


Here is my take on the lawsuit. But in short , I am totally against what Stratasys is doing here and I think this action will have negative consequences on themselves. It just seems very desperate and it wouldn’t surprise me if the 3D printing community ends up boycotting their printers.


will bambu printers be increasingly rare in ebay :rofl:

Okay, now that the novelty (and shock) of this lawsuit did (hopefully) wear off, and after people reacted and argued back and forth for a bit, let’s agree to just keep the topic on point, focused on what really matters for all of us, should this lawsuit come to pass and be won by "the dark side "(Stratasys): that is having a printer that continues to function and receive software/firmware updates and technical/material support long after the dust settles on the court ruling.

What BL does and/or will do with regards to this legal matter (and any other legal matters that might, eventually, come its way in the future) is, obviously, out of our hands, and no amount of arguing on our side will possibly change its outcome (unless one of us, or all of us together, plan to submit, as amicus curie, written arguments, file supporting documents and present evidence in support of BL case).

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The issue is obviously political, but also economic and survival. the fact that stratasys has attacked chinese and not american companies says a lot about the real intentions that these gentlemen would like to achieve. the way i see it the united states are destined to become the new argentina, because this time their foreign policy has really pissed outside the pot. the united states will lose economic and technological power thanks to the emerging brics and china that will take full possession of taiwan in a few years. the hemorrhage of money in ukraine following a crazy miscalculation of the biden administration, combined with the crazy public debt of almost 50,000 billion dollars. behind bambulab, as with all the other high tech companies there is directly the chinese government behind it and i really dont think that a lawsuit filed by the failed seeds of stratasys can really worry the orientals in any way. this is an attempt to save the skin of a drowning person who is clinging to a glass bottle in the ocean. the fate of the United States is sealed, civil war could loom and their destiny is to return to live in the tents of their Native American ancestors, who they also exterminated without the slightest shame or morality.


and therefore…? What’s your conclusion?

As long as there’s UPS, or pony express, or whatever, that can deliver more filament, I can still be printing from solar power even if 95% of everyone else is hunting with spears. The downside risk seems pretty well covered, short of total apocalypse.


Another aspects that’s concerning me, is that Stratasys claim to own 2600 patents. They are most likely not all applied to FDM technology but still, it’s an impressive amount of patent considering this company was founded in 1989 (35 years ago).
On average that means, 74 patents per year, one patent every 4 days! Geez!
And considering that filling a patent cost between $ 25-35k, that’s quite an annual budget to ‘protect their original inventions’.
If all of their patents are in the same vain and have the same wide definition as those presents in the case Vs Bambu, they have probably patented any possible aspects of FDM printing. So they definitely have more ammo and it’s definitely not the last patent infringement court case we will hear about coming from them.
I’m definitely too naive, but it doesn’t look like fair healthy competition to me. At that scale it’s not a way to protect innovation anymore IMHO.
They just let the kids play enough to not be accused of monoply and if the kid grown too much, it become interesting to be acquired or a threat to be take down.
Sad world :unamused:

For the sake of Bambu Lab and its integrity as a whole. I’d rather everyone not post and make wasteful talk about a lawsuit we have no factual information about other than a submitted case claim by a competitor company.

Everyone is entitled to free speech to the extent (online of course) of remaining within certain circumstances. Bambu Lab has made their statement regarding the claim and we should be supportive and sit back with patience until we hear more details. Obviously this is a big concern for all of us but let’s not debate over speculation, politics and assumptions…

I doubt Bambu lab wants to see all of this amongst all the social platforms.

Could I contract you for spear and arrow heads when that happens?

Maybe a squirrel for 10?


Sure thing! But not to worry. If such a thing were to happen, I’m pretty sure the powers that be in my state’s government will put into effect their emergency plan:

The Plan

fly to Cancun. :rofl:


From purge towers and patent trolls to the decline of the US and civil war to native American genocide all in a paragraph?

Might want to take a break from your news sources. Last I checked the sky was firmly attached.


I just saw Bambu’s response. They asked Stratasys to send pictures and video of the patents and to include a hand written note with the lawsuit number.


That’s the Voron serial request procedure XD


Definitely. We can organize ourselves here to 3D print broadheads and spear tips (and eventually
some heavy clubs) in carbon fiber and send them over to you guys via "pony express " or by "stagecoach ". That way you will still be able to defend and repel any arsehole trespassing on the US soil.

If you want to spend some time researching, you’ll definitely discover that many patents they hold are the result of their acquisitions of various companies. Once acquired, Stratasys owned their patents and copyrights as well… For the past 15 to 20 years, Stratasys/MakerBot haven’t invented anything worth mentioning… Creatively (or innovatively) speaking, they are at the bottom of the food chain…

We could create a company, a global one, to provide the folks in the "Far West " of the Atlantic pond, the required hunting and combat stuff
like broadheads, spear tips, cosplay armors, accessories for trapping and other stuff they might require…That would be quite a lucrative contract, were we deliver the stuff they need, and in exchange they’ll pay us with castor furs, buffalo skins and corn… When do you think it would be convenient to meet on site, under their teepee and sign the contract through the smoke of the calumet ?

I trust your power that be and state governor are willing to amend The Plan with a couple of amendments (similarly to the ones added to the US Constitution) whereby our trade deal will be consacrated for the generations to come.

Yeah, and from our previous experiences, that is only the beginning of BL requests for legal disclosure and preliminary procedures prior to engaging into litigation… Can’t wait to see the plaintiff’ lawyers faces when BL will conclude the standard requests and move forward to more in-depth requests and involve FedEx for delivery/shipment of the requested documents between the parties and the court…(Field day for everyone… especially for the TX rangers).:melting_face:


Just an FYI, i will trade mohair for a good printed knife.

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Here you get a sample

Want more? Coming up with BL’s next request for proofs .

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The convo is hilarious. How many of you would have a heart attack if someone stole an .stl file and sold the models? How many of you would contact makerworld and complain? Just like us, Bambu should have reached out for a licensing agreement.